Sustainability is in our DNA

Responsibility is part of our culture

Our society is producing more and more waste, while renewable raw materials are becoming scarcer and scarcer. But simply eliminating packaging would be far from easy. Join the circular revolution – having pledged to become a circular business, we see ourselves as part of the solution.

Three pillars to protect the environment

Plastic packaging can help reduce CO2 emissions because it is ultra-light, meaning fewer truckloads, reduced energy consumption, and additional benefits besides. When recycled material, high levels of recyclability, reusable packaging solutions, and environmentally friendly production conditions are added to the mix, there is a great deal to be said for plastic – even when compared with other solutions.

However, improving sustainability is a complex process. That is why we have divided our approach to sustainable packaging design into three pillars.

  • Climate: reducing the carbon footprint along the entire supply chain
  • Circular economy: minimizing waste by employing the “three Rs” (reduce, reuse, recycle)
  • Resource efficiency: lowering material and energy usage

Sustainability Report

Interested in learning more about the progress Greiner is making toward its goal of being a sustainable business and what we still need to work on? Then check out the Greiner Sustainability Report 2023.

Plastic needs to be kept out of the natural environment and circulating in the economy for as long as possible. A global circular economy is our ultimate goal. Following the motto of “reduce, reuse, recycle,” we are taking a holistic approach to designing sustainable packaging. Innovation is the key to this – as well as something our customers value from us.

Let’s go deeper

Talk to us

Let’s work together to develop sustainable packaging.
Stefan Ebli
Head of Design & Prototyping Services

Barrier packaging keeps food fresher for longer, improving sustainability in the process. Find out all about it in our barrier technologies brochure and our free webinar.